Zayed University students launch “Normalize Therapy” campaign

Let's Heal

DUBAI – Senior Zayed University students launched a campaign named “Normalize Therapy” that will run throughout Nov. 25.

The campaign is executed by students in Zayed University’s College of Communication and Media Sciences, who are taking the course ISC451 Integrated Strategic Communication Campaign, which requires planning and executing a campaign about a relevant topic to the UAE society.

The topic of normalizing psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, among the UAE society was chosen as the students saw it as an important topic to highlight since it affects a great deal of the population, yet many are hesitant of seeking help.

Through research and observation, the students found that there has been a stigma around therapy among the older generation, which has created a butterfly effect by affecting the younger generation’s ability to get professional counseling.

That is why this campaign aims to break those barriers by showing therapy’s importance and benefits. Through a combination of personal talks, informational resources, and social media, the students hope to encourage students to reach out when they’re in need to achieve the campaign’s simple, yet humanitarian message presented by the slogan “let’s heal.”

The students believe that the first step to healing is realizing that it is okay to feel complex emotions, as mental health is nothing to be ashamed of. However, it is important to realize that you are not okay and in turn seek help. Only then can you truly start to heal and attain the benefits of therapy which include increased positivity, relieving stress, and most importantly knowing who you are and your true identity.

We hope you partake in the activities taking place on the ZU Dubai campus regarding this campaign such as a speech given by a representative of the university’s student counseling center, a Q&A session and much more. Please follow the campaign’s Instagram account @LetsHeal_ae for more information and to let out your worries in a safe, judgement-free zone.

About the campaign creators

Amna Almutawa, Ahad Yaqoot, Aisha Alqaizi, Maitha Alshiddi, and Maryam Anwahi are all Zayed University students in their 20s majoring in Integrated Strategic Communications. This campaign was created in ISC451 Integrated Strategic Communication Campaign led by Dr. Badran A. Badran.

The supervising editor for this story was Yulia Medvedeva.