Nespresso, what else?

A Nepresso coffee maker. (Staff photo)

By Fatima Alnuaimi

ABU DHABI – If you are a fan of coffee, the best way to satisfy your desire is a cup of Nespresso.

Forget Starbucks, Gloria Jeans or Esquires. And don’t purchase a super-fancy and expensive espresso-cappuccino maker. Nespresso is the way to go today.

Of course, coffee is known all around the world as that morning stimulant – what we drink with our breakfast to keep us going through the day. Each culture somehow tweaks it in a different way. The Americans like coffee brewed fresh in a cone filter, and then they add milk and sugar – usually lots of sugar. They like to drink their Starbucks in their cars on the drive to work. The Italians stand at a bar and order an espresso or cappuccino for a single Euro. They stand and drink their java. Arabs and Indians add cardamom to their coffee and drink it leisurely in street-level shops. Ethiopian coffee is strong; Turkish and Greek, stronger still.

Sometimes it’s not where the coffee comes from, but how it is made. Nespresso, in my opinion, is the classic coffee that fulfills everyone’s coffee desire.

Nespresso is a machine made by Nestlé in which the consumer inserts a capsule with coffee in it before it’s quickly brewed. The company offers 21 different types of coffee in these capsules.

The capsules have unique flavors that can match your need, strong coffee, light coffee and flavored coffee.

It is way better than the classic coffee maker that, to me, almost has no taste. It is an affordable machine that has been designed to treat to high quality coffee quickly.

I’ve heard from almost every Nespresso lover that it has the perfect coffee smell. While processing the coffee, the aroma gives you a feeling that it is being made especially for you.

Talking from my personal experience, looking at a transparent coffee cup is an art by itself with the variety of coffee blends. I recommend all the coffee lovers to give Nespresso a try and to decide for themselves about the quality of the coffee.

If you are willing to experience Nespresso coffee, try Livanto, Roma or Ristretto – all Italian brews. Apreggio and Rosabaya are my favorites. Give one of these a try, taste it and enjoy the terrific aroma and great taste.

In Abu Dhabi, a Nespresso shop is located at Abu Dhabi Mall; in Dubai, at Dubai Mall.

Nespresso, oh, yes.

This story was originally published on April 23, 2015. It was re-uploaded on Dec. 24, 2020.