‘Lest We Forget’ preserves UAE history


This five-minute video showcases “Lest We Forget,” a major grassroots arts and heritage initiative “that aims to archive, preserve and share vernacular photographs and oral histories of the UAE through its website, workshops and exhibitions,” according to its mission statement. The video includes an interview with former Zayed University Professor Michelle Bambling, who began “Lest We Forget” when she was teaching curatorial practices at ZU.

Newly launched under the auspices of the Salama bint Hamdan Al Nahyan Foundation, “Lest We Forget” is a community-based initiative that welcomes public participation. More from their website.

Video produced by Aisha Al Yaarobi, UmKalthoom Alharmoodi, Nada Almazrouei, Nouf Alkaabi and Alia Alremeithi in COM 311.

This story was originally published on May 17, 2017. It was re-uploaded on Jan. 2, 2021.