NASA official Pam Melroy visits Zayed University in Dubai


Alya Majed Alabdooli is reporting on the talk of NASA official Pam Melroy at Zayed University in Dubai on Oct. 24.

DUBAI – A high-ranking NASA official told Zayed University STEM students they are the Artemis Generation.

Artemis is an international collaboration program created to explore space. The first goal of the program is to return humans to the Moon. The United Arab Emirates joined the Artemis program together with other countries in October 2020.

Pam Melroy, deputy administrator for the United States space agency NASA, gave a talk at ZU’s Dubai Campus while she was attending the 72nd International Astronautical Congress at Dubai World Trade Centre.

Melroy joined the U.S. Air Force because she wanted to become an astronaut. Melroy said that now those who want to become astronauts don’t have to be fighter pilots. She said that people with diverse expertise are welcome in space, especially when they can make decisions in situations of uncertainty and danger.

Melroy said the United States is looking for collaboration with countries such as the United Arab Emirates because they share the same values.

Melroy’s talk was hosted by the Office of the Vice President, the Office of the Provost, the College of Natural and Health Sciences, and the College of Technological Innovation.

About the author

Alya Majed Alabdooli is a student in the College of Communication and Media Sciences at Zayed University in Dubai where she specializes in Integrated Strategic Communication. Alya is a Dean’s List student. In her free time, Alya works on projects for radio.

The editor for this story was Yulia Medvedeva. Additional footage was obtained at