ZU students at AUS Model United Nations


By Mai Al Remeithi

DUBAI – Zayed University students hope to participate in the upcoming Annual American University of Sharjah Model United Nations. Earlier this year, students participated in the 11th Annual AUSMUN where they engaged in diplomatic debates that have an impact on real-world problems.

AUSMUN provides a platform for students to take part in world affairs, to recognise issues, and to draft resolutions. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences organized the participation of ZU students from various colleges at AUSMUN. The three-day program took place from Feb. 8. to Feb. 10.

This year’s MUN hosted over 840 delegates and more than 20 academic institutions including schools and universities. ZU students participated as delegates of the Netherlands and researched current topics about their assigned United Nations committees such as the International Labour Organisation, Economic and Social Committee, Tech Summit, and many others.

As a delegate myself, I found this event to be a one-of-a-kind enriching experience. I had the chance to improve my public speaking skills and get to meet people from different cultures and universities.

As an International Affairs student, I wanted to know more about global issues and each country’s stance on them.

“AUSMUN was a great opportunity to get to converse and surround myself with people who shared the same interests as me,” said the ZU delegate Alreem Al Nuaimi.

“Although it’s very sad that the entire event only lasts 3 days, it was enough to gain experiences and memories that would last me a lifetime.”

Amna Al Saleh, teaching instructor at ZU and advisor to participating ZU students, said she believes this event beneficial to students.

“This conference allowed ZU students to socialize and network with students from different institutions and backgrounds, learn how to formulate positions and produce resolutions on various issues and, most importantly, gain an in-depth understanding of some of the social, political, economic and cultural issues dominating the world today,” Al Saleh said.

About the author: Mai Al Remeithi is a student editor at Zajel. She is pursuing an undergraduate degree in International Studies at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zayed University in Dubai.

This story was originally published on Oct. 22, 2018. It was re-uploaded on Jan. 4, 2021. The photo that accompanied this story was lost due to the loss of the domain name.