Video news on ZUMEFF first day; add your reviews and join online discussion of Middle East films


Reem Rashed Al Mazrouei interviews participants in a video news report on ZUMEFF first day.

We hope to create a vibrant online community discussing the films at ZUMEFF. What’s the best you’ve seen? Most interesting, thought-provoking, memorable? Best screenplay? Best cinematography? Best music? Best acting? The not so good? Post your mini-reviews in the comments below.

Video news report was put together within hours by Reem Rashed (reporter), Athari Mahmood (presenter); Salma Mohammed (cameraperson); and Ayesha Saif (editor).

(Photo above by Mariam Salem Mohamed Rashid Gharwash Al Romaithi).

This story was originally published on April 30, 2017. It was re-uploaded on Jan. 1, 2021.