Graduating to a new world

H.E. Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, the president of Zayed University, gives her talk during graduation at ADNEC. More than 1,500 students received their degrees. (Nada Abdulla Al Menhali)

By Razan Elzubair

ABU DHABI – There are moments in life that define us. These moments represent different peaks in our lifeline that show us exactly where we thrived and achieved our dreams. These moments are a handful because of all of what they encompass and mean.

One of these moments was my graduation from Zayed University on 26 May 2015. As I sat in my seat at ADNEC, I realized that the graduation ceremony with all its beauty was not for me. It was for those behind the curtain. It was for my parents, my professors, my siblings and my friends. As much as I did it for myself, I carried that degree like a badge of honor across the stage for them.

It was for the birthdays that I forgot, for the late nights where my mother had to remind me to eat, for the times that I turned to my professors for help, and definitely for the times that I lost my temper at my dear sister when I was stressed out.

Walking down the stage with the friends that I made over the years was a moment worth waiting for. For the friends that I made during my first semester in my first year, where would I be without you? We made a silent promise to each other that we would go on this journey of four years together – that we would support each other unconditionally and make memories that will last a lifetime. We became team, where one of us is never without the other two – a trio that took College of Communication and Media Sciences by storm.

For that one professor who showed me a world beyond my dreams, I hope I never stop giving the world what you gave me. You gave me pockets and pockets full of dreams and the courage to never give up on them. Graduating only means that I will carry your lessons everywhere I go.

My parents, this is for you and because of you. I will never stop repaying you for the endless love and late night talks of support. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for everything that you’ve done for me.

Now I take this one-way ticket to my future making it impossible to not reminisce and miss everything that brought me to this moment. It was a moment that proved to be worth every sacrifice that I’ve made to become who I am today. Graduating does not mean good-bye to a period in life; it only means that I still have so much more to do to create another moment like this.

In verse, this is my thank-you to everyone:

I sat between the crowd,
Blending in with the red and black.
Not standing out.
And then they called on me.
I can almost hear the sound of my mother crying tears of joy.
I can almost see the smile on my father’s face.
Their applause was just a little louder than the rest.
All in a room that holds more than 2,000.
I walked down the white carpet.
To be handed a ticket to my future.
I took it.
And, oh my, does it feel like my parents graduated with me.
How does one say thank you for a lifetime of lessons.
Thank you.
For convincing me that I can shoot for the stars.
And be sure that I will land on one of them.
Thank you.
As simple as those words may seem.
Know that they carry a weight heavier than anything else.
Thank you.

About the Author

Razan Elzubair finished her converged media degree at ZU in 2014, graduating with distinction. She still lives in Abu Dhabi and is planning to seek a master’s degree.

This story was originally published on June 15, 2015. It was re-uploaded on Dec. 25, 2020.