Filmmaker Ali AlNuaimi: Striving for exciting work


This video story is about my younger brother Ali AlNuaimi. Ali is the founder of the Emarati Media Worldwide Institution. He is a filmmaker and film director. He began in the field of filmmaking as a hobby, but with time, it grew to become his career. He has always motivated me to do more of what I love.

For this video, I interviewed him in his studio.

At the time of the interview, Ali had been filmmaking for four years. He feels the desire to do more interesting and exciting work. He entered the field of filmmaking by coincidence. He had a simple idea about filmmaking and wanted to see what he was capable of, so he thought, “Why don’t I try and produce my first short movie with my friends?” They filmed and published that short movie and started getting requests to do more. This made them get more evolved in that field.

In his childhood, Ali always dreamed of being a part of any film, and today he became a filmmaker and director. He has chosen the filmmaking major because he has found himself in this field.

About the author

Wedad AlNuaimi is a Zayed University alumna.  She graduated in Spring 2020 with a degree in Multimedia Design from the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises. This video was produced in COM210 Media Storytelling I lead by Dr. Yulia Medvedeva in Fall 2019.